The second Vegans of Color Mini Conference was a virtual conference!
Access the behind the scene content from the Kick-off event at Farm Sanctuary, Talks from Day ONE, and the LIVE Q&A from Day TWO:
Virtual Veganism of Color Conference 2019 – Playlist
Accessibility: American Sign Language Interpreter for duration of the conference.
Hosts, Speakers & Panel
Julia Feliz Brueck, Sanctuary Publishers (Host, Introduction & Closing)
Kameke Brown, Farm Sanctuary (Kick-off Event Host)
Doreen Akiyo Nartey, ChildFreeAfrican
Veganism, Sustainability, and the Global North/South Divide
Prateek Gautam, Casteist Speciesism
Margaret Robinson, Academic Scholar/Lennox Island First Nation member
LoriKim Alexander, co-director of BlackCuse Pride
This conference is a grassroots, community funded effort made possible through crowdfunding, individuals, community groups, and organizations.
Farm Sanctuary, Max Vollmer, Deborah Block-Schwenk, Suzy Gonzalez/Xicana Vegan Zine, Joyce Friedman, Zach Steckel, Joanne Madden, Rebecca Fuentes, Doh Driver, Andrea Kiefer, Suzanne Setti, Alison Levy, Lilia Trenkova, Jery Che/Stick to Resist, Shae Shannon, Stacey Phillips, Stacy Russo, Marcus Good, Carolyn Luke, Julia Caruk, Lenore Braford, Diego Casanova, Roy Vanegas, Sarah Crawley, Surya Sumantara, Tara Parnell, Maddie Krasno, Ireene Viktor, Lia Cowley, Vijay Kr, Alexa Reed, Joy Armstrong/CritterJoy Pet Accessories, Rachel Jeanne/Sanctuary Moon, Jacob Thompson, Kassidy Bernard, Dominique De La Loza, KD Angle-Traegner/Your Daily Vegan, Ndem Nkem, Caiti Jayne, Gwena Hunter, Niccy O’Brien, Elizabeth Frei, Demetrius J Bagley, Mike Nestor, Diane Fireweed Radmore, Penelope Cruise, Karla Starky, Adam Kol, Priscilla Rader Culp, Kelly Levenda, Martin Rowe, Allie Feldman Taylor, Roseann Marulli, Miguel Danielson, Shakirah Tabourn, Kelly Leonard, Elizabeth Quick, Alice Turner, Sjoen V Fuerst, Susan Halteman, David Asher, Tracye McQuirter/By Any Greens Necessary, Allison Jacobson, Jess Davis, Ari Nessel, Eve Wetlaufer, Kirsten Bakis, …(we will update this list as donations are made – thank you so much!)